28 March 2009


On a beautiful Thursday evening, we took a drive to the beach in Pacifica, CA. The weather, as well as the company, was perfect. The shared memories, crisp air against my face, and visions of expansion soothed my spirit and helped remind me that all is well. To S., Namasté

23 March 2009

My Countryside

I often make reference to life in the suburbs and my utter resistance to the slow pace of living here; however, on rare occasions, I do find myself in awe of the country life that exists a mere mile or two from my front door. This evening, I took a short 30 minute drive around my countryside.

17 March 2009

Backyard Trip

A single blade of grass

The leaves from a rose bush

I spent some time in my backyard this afternoon--reading, sitting, eating, watching, and thinking. Sometimes the smallest of journeys can bring us much joy and satisfaction.

16 March 2009

Outside My Window

Living in suburbia can be quite dull. Everything looks the same, feels the same, sounds the same. I long for the hustle and bustle of the city. I want a room with a view. I want to look out and see...life. Since that is not my current reality, if I practice "being in the moment," this is what I see outside my window.

13 March 2009

Woman Along the Road

Something about this tree moved me. I simply had to stop, park, and run back to capture it's essence. I tried to capture a full view--from stem to crown, but my angle was off. Yet, the points-of-view that I did capture are amazing. If you look closely, the tree appears to be a woman; and her branches are her offspring.